Mission: The mission of Food & Friends is to foster a community caring for men, women, and children living with HIV/AIDS, cancer, and other life-challenging illnesses by preparing and delivering specialized meals and groceries in conjunction with nutrition counseling.

Phone: (202) 269-2277

What volunteers do:

  • Deliver meals by car, around the DC/MD/VA area.
  • Prepare and package food, from chopping vegetables to packing groceries.
  • Help at Special Events by greeting guests, selling pies, or helping with logistics.
  • Help with administrative support, such as filing, data entry, making phone calls, etc.


  • All volunteers must first attend a one-hour orientation, held on the first Thursday of each month at 6:30 pm, and on the third Saturday of each month at 11:00 am.
  • After completing the background check release and attending the orientation, you'll be ready to schedule your first shift with a member of the Volunteer Services team.
  • Currently, greatest needs are for meal delivery volunteers Monday through Saturday. The only available kitchen shifts are from 6:00-8:00 am; 9:00 am-12:00 pm; and 1:00-3:00 pm on weekdays.

Mission: HIPS believes that those engaged in sex work, sex trade, and drug use should be able to live healthy, self-determined, and self-sufficient lives free from stigma, violence, criminalization or oppression. We will achieve this through engaging sex workers, drug users and our communities in challenging structural barriers to health, safety, and prosperity.

Phone: (202) 232-8150

What Volunteers do:

  • Mobile Service Van: Overnight & Daytime Outreach: Staff the HIPS Mobile Services Van, which runs on weekends from 11 P.M. – 5 A.M. Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights, and during weekday afternoons Monday through Thursday. The van does street-based outreach, needle exchange, condom distribution, and harm reduction counseling around DC.
  • Hotline: Monitor the HIPS hotline, which is a low-volume, 24/hr support service that provides harm reduction counseling, safety planning, crisis management, health information, and referrals, as well as support to DC’s LGBTQ community through the LGBTQ Violence Response Hotline.
  • Community Engagement: Assist with fundraising, advocacy, tabling and events opportunities.
  • Administrative Support: Create fliers and pamphlets, enter data, assist with research projects, and support other administrative work in the HIPS office. 


  • Volunteers accepted this spring must attend orientation on May 13th, where you will interview for the volunteer positions that you're interested in. Not all who sign up to volunteer or attend the orientation are selected to join the volunteer team. If selected, please note the mandatory training schedule, and the minimum required hours for the various roles.