Gun Violence


Mission: The mission of the Brady organization and its Million Mom March is to create a safer America by cutting gun deaths in half by 2025. Chapters of The Brady Campaign and Million Mom March work within their local communities and in Washington to bring about change at the local, state, and federal levels. Since 2000, members of the Million Mom March have been working tirelessly at the grassroots level to bring about a safer country with less gun violence. Together, we can prevent gun violence, save lives, and protect children in every neighborhood across America.

Email: n/a
Phone: (202) 370-8100

What volunteers do:

  • Call elected officials to support expanded Brady Background Checks
  • Educate pediatricians on the importance of safely storing firearms in the home
  • Sign up new members at a local farmer's market


  • Fill out volunteer signup form on the website of the DC Chapter

Mission: Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America is the largest gun violence prevention organization in the country with more than four million members. It is a leading force for gun violence prevention, with chapters in all 50 states and the District of Columbia, and a powerful grassroots network of moms, dads, students, physicians, educators, survivors, and everyday citizens who have successfully influenced gun legislation at the local, state and national levels. Though advocacy is the primary vocation, Moms Demand Action goes beyond changing laws and legislators. It strives to change the American culture of gun violence– it can, and it does, happen in every town; it affects us all, and we all need to be part of the solution.

Signup form to be connected with DC chapter:
Phone: n/a

What volunteers do:

  • Call constituents and elected officials to support good gun laws or to oppose bad gun laws through the Gun Sense Action Network (GSAN).
  • Attend hearings, contribute to letter-writing campaigns, and other activities that support local gun sense legislation.
  • Support gun sense candidates in campaigns through phone-banking and canvassing.
  • Table local events to sign up new members and educate the public about gun safety.
  • Support survivors by giving them space and compassion to share their stories.